Saturday, August 4, 2012

My new space and why I haven't been sewing.

Over the past few days, I have convinced hubby to let me move all my sewing gear upstairs into the study.....(He really doesn't know what he is getting into!)  Mr T is also having his little space  (can I emphasise LITTLE .) for when he heads back to study part time in September.  Luckily we have a different work schedule so we won't be sewing and studying at the same time.

So a 3 hour trip to IKEA and a few disagreements later,  a good few boxes arrived last weekend and yes over the week Mr T put them together.  A desk and lots and lots of bookcases and cupboards to tuck my hoard of fabric away safely.

  I'm not going to have lots of glorious space as others, but I really wanted to get my sewing things organised and not have bits and pieces in the kitchen, lounge, and every nook and cranny around the house.
Last Saturday was spent painting the room ( a last minute decision) so I was hoping that during the week I would move in and have it all sparkling and organised to show.  I was also excited to have my kitchen table and bench back.

Alas it is Saturday again and things are looking so messy up in the spare room that I can't even bare to even take a photo for you to show.

Thanks to the trusty Lyons tea I have made a brew and this is what I will be tackling this morning before I head to Dublin for a night out on the town.

So fingers crossed when Monday comes around I may have a new sewing space all organised. 
(the bubbly is in the fridge chilling already)

Enjoy your weekend and those of us that have a Bank Holiday....Enjoy Monday also!



  1. Brilliant idea. The painting may be a pain but it will be worth it. I have a sewing desk in our den and I use the pool table as my cutting table. It isn't a big space but it does mean that I can leave all my sewing things out and it is brilliant. Make sure that you show us a photo when you have it all spruced up. Di x

  2. Can't wait to have a peek at your new space.

  3. I know it's work, but it really does sound fun & will be SO worth it!

  4. Ha ha ha! You little know! I have loads of space in my dining room, buut I have fabric in the spare room, fabric in my room, sewing stuff on the landing, and it invades the living room too! There is no escape from it! And it is only a hobby!

  5. Look forward to seeing your photos

  6. it sounds so exciting, can't wait to see it, I love a bit of organisation me! Have fun tonight :-)

  7. That sounds interesting! I'll be looking forward to the reveal! =D

  8. Enjoy your new space. I have been much more productive since coming upstairs!!

  9. I can't wait to see how it turned out! Hooray for new sewing spaces!

  10. Hang onto your vision at the end of all your work - you will get there and it will be so great when you do!

  11. looking forward to seeing it! I'm thinking of moving my sewing room too. Not so sure yet though :)

  12. How exciting. Nothing like a dedicated new space to get you motivated.


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