Monday, August 8, 2011

Planes, Trains and Automobiles Continued......

The sun was out this evening (hooray) so I took advantage of the rays and got my camera out to take a few pics.
Although I haven't finished the binding. (I'm thinking of finishing them off tonight after this blog) I decided to take a photo while I could.

And the second quilt...much the same as the first!

I'm really happy the way they came out. Bright you could say!

Anne Kelle's fabric (Ready, Set, Go!) was organic fabric. When I received my parcel in the mail, I couldn't get over how soft the fabric was.
I matched it with some Kona White, Orange, Corn Yellow and Grass Green but I still thought I needed another colour so went up to the trusty stash in the cupboard and found the spotty brown...Ah we'll give it a go.

I have had a few questions on the bamboo wadding from you all.
I bought this when I was back in Australia a few months ago. I have a few neices and nephews that suffer from ezchema and so picked some up. I think the brand was 'Matilda'. I haven't seen it sold in Ireland though. Is there anywhere in the UK that sells it?

Now for my next project....I'm sure I will wake up in the middle of the night thinking of just that.
Thanks again for dropping by. Erin


  1. That's gorgeous! Love the fabric, and the binding matches beautifully.

  2. Fantastic work.

    I have been so inspired by close, straight line quilting on various projects that I have added some to my own!

  3. The quilts look spectacular! I love how the quilting looks on the solid white back.

  4. So pretty and fun it almost makes me want to have another baby just to have a use for a quilt just like it......maybe not....I could use it myself couldn't I?

  5. Two quilts and they look fab - Well done!

  6. They look gorgeous Erin, really beautiful and modern and vibrant! Fi

  7. Hi, what a great wee blog you have! So glad to 'meet' you and thank you for visiting mine. I wasn't able to click on your 'followers' tab - is it working ok? Jxo


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