Saturday, February 9, 2013

My new bug.

The sewing machine has not even been switched on this year....Isn't that bad!
Yes I am very behind on my bees and don't even start on my unfinished projects from last year.
But that doesn't mean that I haven't been doing anything. Yes I've taken up knitting. 
When my mum was over for Christmas I bought some knitting needles and had a quick little lesson and with her help picked out an easy pattern to start with.

Not bad for my first project, still have to sew it together though.

When I come home at night, I'm not one that can have dinner and then climb the stairs to my sewing room and start up the sewing machine.  I like to unwind, chill out, especially after dealing with 22  preschool children each day.
I didn't realise that knitting was so relaxing and I seem to have caught the knitting bug as I have started my second project.

And of course I have a fantastic bag for my knitting.  Thanks again to my Mouthy Stitches partner  Janet.

It all fits in nicely.


  1. I cannot knit. It will never be a second hobby for me, but I admire those who can.

  2. I'm with you:knitting is so relaxing, great for sitting in front of the TV with

  3. Good for you. I knit a bit weirdly as I'm left handed and never learnt properly. It is nice to have a variety of crafty hobbies. Di x

  4. I am so slow at knitting. My mum was a real whizz and could knit and watch tv all at the same time bless her, but me I have bags of small beginnings lurking in the loft. Keep up the great work

  5. I love knitting too, I started a little project last night.

  6. I love knitting! Yours look brilliant.

  7. I think your mom needs to travel a bit more and come teach me to knit. That is an incredibly cute first project! And after dealing with that many preschoolers all day, the only thing I would be picking up is a glass of wine!

  8. The new projects look beautiful. I find knitting very relaxing too. Too bad there isn't time for everything!!!

  9. I've been bitten by the same bug! Yours looks just amazing!

  10. Ah, yes, the repetitiveness of knitting is very relaxing!

  11. Knitting is super relaxing! Love the bag!


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