Sunday, August 12, 2012

Purses and Grooving

Nicky and Helen I have you to blame.....

Another two purses made this week.  I am just improvising while I go and just trying out different shapes.   I do want to buy some more frames so maybe I will head over to eBay tonight and see if I can get some more frames.

Then while the Marathon was on today, I did a bit of colouring was very relaxing actually.
I have chosen my fabric for the Totally Groovy quilt along but I now have to decide where my lovely Kona colours are going.  These are my colours that I have chosen with the print being incorporated on the back.  I really can't wait to start this quilt and today probably why I didn't start anything other new quilt tops this weekend. (I don't want too many quilts on the go...4 is enough!)

 Kona Zucchini, Teal Blue , Baby Blue, Mocha and Cyan

Now the hard part is to decide where each colour goes.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

I am leaning towards option 1...don't know why but then I look at the others and think maybe option 2 is better.  What do you think?

Right better go and finish off my cleaning, I am in the middle of making a wonky house first of two for the Modern Irish Bee which I am loving.



  1. I really like option one! the bold section of brown really brings out the other colours =D

  2. I don't know why either but I like option #1 the best too. I'll probably be posting my coloring pages this week too.

  3. Your little purses ate darling!

  4. If I have to be blamed for something - I don't think this is bad ! Adorable purses and love the shape of the purple one and that wee birdy print is adorable! Both are successes Erin! Are you glad you joined in?? I am!

    I am bucking the trend and liking no 2! It makes the curvy bits stand out to the fore more. Sorry!

  5. That's going to be just smashing. I'd totally go number 3. Absolutely.

  6. Hi Aunty Erin
    I like option 1
    Love Kira

  7. I need to make one of those frame purses. They look adorable.

    I like option 2. My eye follows the flow of colors better in that version.

  8. That Groove Quilt design looks very interesting!

  9. I opt for version two, it pleases most to me

  10. Option #1 really catches my eye with the placement of the brown.


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